Single Origin Coffee - Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea Lamari - 5 lb Bag

Juicy • Prune • Floral

Our Lamari blend is named for the Lamari River that flows through Papua New Guinea's Eastern Highlands. Lamari offers an 83 to 84 SCA cup score with dark chocolate, mandarin orange, and black tea flavors that are accompanied by pronounced sweetness, a clean finish and a light-to-medium body.

  • Roast Profile: Full City
  • Varietal: Arusha, Blue Mountain, Bourbon, Typica
  • Processing: Washed
  • Altitude: 1,700 to 2,000 meters above sea level
  • Region: Eastern Highlands
Regular price $59.00

Product Info

Lamari is part of our Sucafina Originals range, our line of consistent and affordable blends directly sourced from our vertically-integrated supply chain.

The Lamari blend is named for the Lamari River that flows through the Eastern Highlands. It is selected by our QC origin team from a robust selection of coffees sourced from a vast network of smallholders in the Lamari River Valley. Our vertically integrated and whole- harvest sourcing makes our Lamari blend accessible and sustainable. Our dual focus on producer resilience and roaster success means consistent quality that you can rely on.

The remarkable quality of this coffee is a direct result of years of extension services and work with smallholder producer groups on improving picking, pulping, sorting, fermentation and drying practices.

Smallholders grow, process and dry their coffee before delivering it as parchment to a collection station at our partner mill. We source the best quality lots, which are separated specifically for us before being hulled, graded and prepared for export.

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a relative newcomer to the specialty coffee scene. The remote locations of the nation’s smallholders—who produce 85% of total coffee in the country—combined with historically-poor infrastructure has made the transition to specialty difficult. Nonetheless, the country is working towards innovative solutions that will hopefully lead to better quality coffee and improved livelihoods for the nation’s smallholder coffee producers.